They flock, fly and cackle
Crackle, loot and caw
By the sun’s rise, busy
They greet me “wake up!”
Wake up! Wake up
You sleepy-head soul
You’ll miss all today.
Leave me be
Do what you must
A flock in my garden
A lone outlook thusly
The murder of crows.
A Murder of Crows
An Unkindness of Ravens
A Parliament of Magpies
All brilliant crooks
All will steal all your cravings
And corn in a row.
They’ll steal your glitter
They’ll snatch up your gold
The scraps I toss out
They think they have stole.
Back in the woods
They fight over spoils
A dozen or so
An unkind Parliament
The nemesis of Poe,
A murder of crows
Never nevermore.
tom tenbrunsel
Carl Sandburg Writer 2023
I am about to publish my second book of poems😎