“Thank you. Because l was involved with facilities management the cops & l were close & they needed my help when concerts came to town, not just athletic events. Remember the artist Prince? He did a concert at Breslin & with construction parking was a problem & l helped solve it. Thereafter they called me Prince & allowed me to make these Prince o Grams
The Prince was well received, well liked by the gendarmes and he held the U together behind the scenes! The unsung hero so to speak. We keep in touch to this day⚾️
“Thank you. Because l was involved with facilities management the cops & l were close & they needed my help when concerts came to town, not just athletic events. Remember the artist Prince? He did a concert at Breslin & with construction parking was a problem & l helped solve it. Thereafter they called me Prince & allowed me to make these Prince o Grams
More later. Gotta run”
❤️ Tom Smith