Sometimes poison
comes in colorful
with a pretty design
some bombs are
hidden in plain site
a flower patch
with a hidden landmine
I’ve learned that life
is more than meets the eye
I’ve learned that I love you
is the most common lie
Author’s Note: The above poem published with permission from the author, Marah. The poem is an abstract taken from an extensive “narrative series of poems” by Marah, detailing her life’s story. It is in a genre all its own. This verse is featured in my book, Soften Your Heart, in press.
Marah has written poetry all her life. This poem is but one excerpt. The full production consists of 100 pages of narrative poetry revealing the journey of a young woman’s abusive and mistreated relationships from child to adulthood. Using her descriptive narrative poetic style, Marah takes the reader thru her true-life episodes and the full array of dark and addictive and personal failure experiences. Watch for the release of the full length of Darkness Discovered: A Young girl’s tragic journey into womanhood. It is one of the most emotion-filled, true stories ever told through poetry. It is a first of a new poetic genre.
Marah has allowed me to preview this one verse here. I look forward to both the excellent prose Introduction and the extensive poetic narration of her tribulations, culminating in her epiphany. Tissues not provided, you will read this series of poems over and over. A prolific poet, I thank Marah for her willingness to share as she says, “So that others may avoid life’s nasty pitfalls.”
For this opportunity to introduce a new narrative poet, I thank her dearly for sharing. I am certain others will take up her narrative poetic style. It is one of the most emotional, true stories ever told through poetry.
tom tenbrunsel
A Carl Sandburg Writer