*Chinese painting on silk paper by twt
Frozen in time and space
Crystal clear reenactments
Often more real than real
What is reality
What is memory
The two merge
And reality fades
Into dementia
The further back you go backwards
Full circle to your beginning
It all ends
Perhaps memories are self-consuming
Little time capsules
Nesting in my brain
Feeding my soul
Pulling at my heart
More real than reality
Merged into a new realness
Suspended in time and space?
Perhaps in another dimension all their own
I reach out to memories
I reach out and remember a time presently past
As if they were real today
Much a part of me,
As where I am going
   Is shorter than where have I been.
Memory transcends that gap
I shall take them with me
On that ethereal journey
I shall
Perhaps cataloged nicely somewhere in the brain
Even reality reaches back at times
Reliving events as if they were today
Or perhaps memories are a part of today?
Catalogued nicely in my brain
As if selecting books from a bookshelf in a darkened room
Memories must be akin to Calvin’s dreams?
The older one gets,
The more appreciative one is of one’s private memories
Relive them for they are real
Savor their realness
Step into them
Bathe in this gift from the Creator
Remember to remember often.
tom tenbrunsel
A Carl Sandburg Writer