So open every window,
Throw open every door,
Let the moonlight shower,
Blessings evermore.
I am the moon remember,
Full bright up in your sky,
I was here when you were born,
I'll be here when you die.
I bring you summer solstice,
Your winter solstice too,
I rule your tides at sea,
I quietly spin for you.
I've seen famine, war and pestilence,
I've seen muslim fighting Jew,
It simply doesn't matter,
Waxing, waning, full or new.
So sleep tight lowly master,
As circle you I do,
For one night I'll come to bid you,
Alas! your last adieu.
“Poetry on My Mind,” p85
Author’s Notes: The Moon from the moon’s perspective.
Oooo! Goose bumps! The last two lines get real personal, with
Kenny Rogers sung, 🎶The best you can hope for is to die in yor sleep🎶
Ranked #6
Giving thanks for everything the moon does for us. Billions of years. Thank you Moon - my Moon, your Moon, our Moon. Add the stars and I'm in sky heaven.