As the world turns
Which Way does it turn
clockwise, or
counter clockwise
Would that be wise
If otherwise?
Would that be backward
Or awkward?
Truth be told
What if I were standing on the
South Pole?
What if it didn’t turn at all
Or just on Sundays
Then back on Monday
Would it be Tuesday
Saturday or Sunday?
Perhaps again
Or perhaps Noneday
Or Maby Nonday
When would be my birthday
Or yours
Perhaps never?
Never again.
Perhaps we’ll give it a try
Give it a spin
Like the carnival it is
What have we got to lose
Or win?
Some days I wonder
What day it is
It’s today
Always today
Silly it’s the day before tomorrow
Or the day after yesterday
Or just the next day
today again.
Why does it have to turn
Any way?
Turn turn?
Why not
At least for a little while
That would be unique
Or eternity
So so many questions to speak of
Or not
I’m feeling dizzy!
tom tenbrunsel
Carl Sandburg Writer 2023
Who turns it? The man in the moon, silly.