The sky flashes, and mountains shutter
Seas trembling
A rumble fills the dusty air
Creatures scurry about nowhere
The Creator is unraveling
tom tenbrunsel
A Carl Sandburg Writer
Author’s Note: A bit on writing poetry: For those of you who are thinking of writing poetry, I say just do it. Just sit down and write/type/dictate/SIRI-ate. There is not a set time for poetry. When the thought hits you, morning, noon or night - write! Heck anything is bettern all that nuevo woke-ism these days. So jump write in. And iffen I hear one more poem/song about how “my boyfriend left me;” I’m gonna toss.
Now as for style and rhyming, hit don’t matter. Just do it your way. I like freestyle and the shape of the poem maters. And throw in some humor and some read-between-the-lines. You can rhyme at the end of the line or rhyme in the middle of the line. You can rhyme skipping lines. Or you can not rhyme at all - Like Sandburg! Guy was a genius. Was awarded three Pulitzers for poetry and never rhymed a line. He liked freestyle and emphasized rhythm over rhyme. When asked, he replied, “If it works, it works!” So there. Write it your way. Rhyme a line or two or not. Write! Right? Write something, anything. Just write. And if hit don’t rhyme, hit don’t matter no-way. If it works; it works. Write 😎
. . . . and try writing some poetic prose😉