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Updated: Nov 17, 2023

I rode my bike today,

I thought it best to

Get in a mile or two

And as always,

There are wondrous views.

Three Sisters popped upward peeked,

To say hello.

Past Pisgah’s peak,

I hopped along,

On long trails of clouds,

Happiness to seek,

In my cleats.

It was as if I were wing’ed,

To distant Mitchell, in sight, I flew,

Just me and my trusty steed,

Once more born anew,

From cares and woes,

We took leave.

A weight was lifted,

It seems,

Azure blue sky,

Not a cloud nearby,

I wondered why each today,

Couldn’t pass this way.

Amongst toil and trouble,

Destruction and rubble,

my biking on trek packed mirth,

Wind in my face,

Freed me from lowly earth.

Four now and then I must ride,

My guardian angel by my side,

Though a bit older now,

And less steady on my steed;

Caution to the wind, younger,

I raced at breakneck speed.

Older, yes, but I see further too,

I will find refuge,

In my last adieu,

And given the choice,

I think I just might bike to heaven,

If I must.

Author’s Note: Miles behind me, I still enjoy the thrill, of decente’ and climb. I love the camaraderie of a pace-line. I love to go aero and coast and glide, a stream of Rednecks at my side. It’s the fodder of many a dream for me, spritzing along, effortlessly, whether on ski or steed. While now with the electric boost I need.

*photo of Team Redneck at the old abandoned Gulf Station by Mrs. Mitchell’s place, where once there was an old noisy one-lane wooden bridge to cross the Flint River not far from where it flowed into the Tennessee: Big Bad Bob, Mighty Mickey, Tom Terrific, Jolting Jeff, Sizzling SuZe, Eze Ed.

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