Every day in every way
We’ve tracked different trails
Together me and you
So every breathe you take
I breathe too
Apart, we are one from two
From same beginnings far back away’s
We’ve gathered memories on our journey
Some shared
Always tucked away in my heart
I oft think, “What’s my sister done today?”
What heart has she touched with caring love
What songs sung,
What soul she’s touched along her way
What bird she’s seen, what sky above
All children she raised, one man she loved.
My sister, you are amazing, look what all you’ve done.
My sister’s number one.
Though we live two lives
My sister, that I love,
Many blessings on you and yours,
May God bless you from above
As we share, apart, our sibling love
In quiet time. Always on my mind.
Happy Birthday 2023