Stand on the Edge
On the ledge
Let the spirit of the moment
Wash over you
Lift you
To lightly soar the impossible
Mountain heights
Hold them in your arms
Reach out and touch a sunset
For it is yours to take with you
Soak in the Smokies serenity
Their beauty is yours to behold
Shrouded in the never ending
Smoke-like haze
From whence
They get their name.
Bathe in the beauty from the Edge
Be healed by the serenity
The Smokies afford
Be Reborn above the clouds
For you are
In Heaven’s Edge
And there is no end to the view
Nor end to the dream
That you were once here
Where family and friends
Gather to be blessed.
tom tenbrunsel 1/30/2023
Carl Sandburg Writer for 2023
*for further information on the family cabin, “Heaven’s Gate,” at Cobbly Knob, Gatlinburg, TN, contact Pam Barnup (865) 310-9033 homesnotalone@gmail.com
Wendy - I wrote this poem while staying at Heaven’s Edge. I fleshed it out the next week. Just the mountain tops were snow covered. By winter’s view on the back porches, one could see forever. The trees seemed to beckon, paint a poem for us, for they and the sky, dawns and the Smoky sunsets are the view, forever.