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Writer's picture: tenbrunsel2tenbrunsel2

Updated: Jun 30, 2024

*photo by erin (No matter how strong or handsome or how many home runs you hit, there’s still Nana❤️)

Many things, perhaps anythings, can have medicinal or curative value for people. That wonderful state of “ahhhhh” where worries dissipate and pain goes away, at least for the moment. Here are some curations I have experienced in life. Let me know yours:

For me handmade quilts have a medicinal property when layed heavy upon upon the sick, tired or weary. The quilter’s stitching stores magical energy in the quilt. Experience it.

You don’t age at a the ballpark. Especially watching grandkids accelerating. Take me out there

You don’t age in a trout stream where the tug is the drug!

The spirit of people is infectious. Call a friend indeed when in need of a pick-me-up.

Friends. Have some.

Fond Memories cure soreness. Dwell.

Hugs are medicinal. Hug-a-lot in Camelot.

Prayers have a definite calming effect on the mind, body and soul.

A compliment or thanks or a howdy-do, have a calming effect.

A good poem read slowly aloud with emotional inflection can heal. It’s the poet’s potion to the savvy reader. Get lost in the medicinal nature of a good poem or book.  Enjoy.

Crickets and frogs on a spring  evening cure.

Bare feet in cool spring grass is nature’s salve

Seeing your breath on a still wintry day when you’re all snuggly bundled up and scarfed, gloved, hooded is cozy

A slow deliberate calming deep breath or two can relieve tension and distract pain

A downpour on a tin roof. Rain is nature’s medicine.

Get cozy by the fire swaddled in your favorite quilt.

Music, particularly chanting music. For me I will often Utube my favorite top five songs to get copacetic. Beethoven and Handel and Willie and Dylan and the American Indians knew this.

Acupressure points should become a habit, for they can ease dull unsuspecting pain. And they can and should be self-applied. Learn the pressure points. Basically, you can find pressure points by pushing on body spots with your finger. If it feels sore, it’s a pressure point. Linger.

A Massage. Get one now and then Experience that after-massage dazed glow.

“Toast each sunset with wine and hug on your wife.”

Certain aromas, flowers, the morning dew, the aroma of morning Joe, a pot roast simmering or freshly cooked apple pie or a sheet of cookies straight from the oven, slurping a tomato right from the vine. Splurge.

“Take shelter from the sturm.”

Shuuu. Listen to the sounds of silence!

I often get lost in a daydream, interrupting the chore in chores.

Aren’t dogs wonderful. Nothing bothers them. They and other creatures have medicinalness.

Sleep sound and dream. Albeit often wild, dreams are necessary and cathartic. Sleep regenerates the mind and body.

Seek peace of mind.

Sweet tea on the porch, with nothing to do but sit and rock.

Take a walk.

Have dinner together.

Take a plunge in a pool or lake or stream or the ocean. Bathe in the rebirth!

Have a cool drink of water from a mountain spring or from a fountain in Shelby park.

If something bothers you or you see it as a chore or waste of time, you may be chasing tension

Stop and Relax. Take one minute for just you, yourself.

When you’re old, tired and worn out, get up and go outside.

Let it go.

The whole world needs a nap!

Get down on the floor with your kids and grandkids. Lose yourself in play.

Jump headlong into a leaf pile.

Find that child inside that never grew up.

There are many things that are medicinal medicine for the soul. What are some of your favorites?

tom tenbrunsel

Poet Laureate of Curation

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1 Comment

Jun 08, 2024

Great list….ill add a few more: 1) reading the Bible. 2) YouTubing with Kaitlin. 3) listening to Kaitlin sing in her room. 4) playing pickleball with the lor lor

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