Solitude is sometimes confused with loneliness
But it is Solitude that fuels the soul
In Solitude we are awakened
In Solitude we begin to appreciate
Solitude recognizes Love
In Solitude we confess our sins
Thoughts in Solitude, thank you Thomas
Solitude is the yen of yang
If a tree falls in Solitude, is it a tree?
Solitude proceeds words and is there when all else fails.
It is in Solitude where we hear ourselves think.
Solitude is to the soul, as Thinking is to the mind
Solitude is where we reflect – It is the quiet time when I realize really who I am and come face to face with my imperfections
Solitude is patient and impatient
Solitude is the mirror of our existence
Solitude is the quiet before the storm
Listen to the sounds of silence
Solitude reminds me that I have something to tell myself
Be quiet my spirit, if quiet I must be
Be quiet my Spirit and listen to me.
Solitude is a fresh breeze
Solitude is fall leaves
Solitude is the falling snow
Solitude is a fire in the dead of winter
Solitude is a trout stream and no words spoken between kindred friends
Solitude like a thief in the night steals the angry soul
Without Solitude we are nothing, without Solitude we are not I
Solitude Stop – Look - Listen
Solitude is that deafening roar you hear right after you hear bad news
Solitude is the crickets and frogs in the night air
Solitude brings the silent frost that the sun kindly transforms
Shuuu! Quiet.
Solitude is the winged flight of the Owl
Solitude is the quiet before the storm – Solitude is the eye of the storm
Find Solitude and nourish it – Take a cleansing breath and relax.
Solitude is as near as your heart and as far away as the depths of space where words have not yet reached
Solitude - Turn off the TV, put down the earphones and listen to nothing
Solitude - Read a good book, go fishing, take a hike
Solitude is that moment between prayers
Solitude is nothing and everything at the same time.
Solitude is infinite
Take one minute for yourself
Solitude is inner peace and inner peace must precede outward peace
Without Solitude we cannot proceed
Solitude is the path to the sixth sense