As I went walking today,
That ribbon of highway,
I came across,
Where Annie,
Annie the donkey lay.
I saw above me, endless
Pushing skyward,
To Mitchell ascending.
I came across a post,
Which for many a strand,
Of bob wire,
Had been the host.
The wires all rusted.
The wires all fallen,
The post still standing,
Castania dentata,
This was its land,
The American Chestnut
*Inspired by Woody Guthrie and Dutch Weilich
This poem can also be found in the PHOTOS tab, 1/11/2021
See also “Message from the Chestnut” poem under the POEMS tab on the Home Page.
I am a former member of the Board of Directors of the American Chestnut Foundation.
Ask me about the American Chestnut😉
Annie and me miss Annie the donkey. She used to come to the gate and greet us and we’d give her an apple. Often the simpler things in lie are the best. COMMENT?