The real O-fficial Mesick Burger Rating Scale
The scale ranges from 1 through 10. 10 is the highest rating and reserved only for the cheeseburger served at Jeri’s Family Inn on West Mesick Avenue, Mesick, Michigan.
(The dog won’t eat it) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Mesick Berger)
The Mesick Scale
Typically the small towns in Northern Michigan have two bars, usually located at opposite ends of the main thoroughfare. They are the )gathering place for townspeople and serve some of the best food in America, including their specialty, the American Cheeseburger. They also serve beer and other drinks. You will find families gathered in these establishments especially in the winter months. The kids will be playing on the floor. Friends will be gathered four, five, seven around tables chatting, laughing and telling lies. Strangers can be seen sitting at the bar feeding on some of the best burgers in the land. More than likely a beer’s on the side. Thus originated the Mesick Burger Scale. It is a ten point scale with ten being the highest rating bestowed on a burger. And by the way the Burgers served at Jeri’s Family Restaurant and Bar set the bar for Bergers the world around at a ten.
The Mesick Burger is a full quarter pounder plus, medium well-done but still juicy as hell served on a toasted oversized bun, large enough to handle the burger without the burger handling it. It is topped with none other than real American cheese melted to perfection not cold, not too thick or, heaven forbid, running off the burger. Top all that off with a thick slice of a real homegrown tomato, a thick grilled, slightly browned or burnt on the edges, juicy fresh grilled onion, to die for criss-crossed flat long dill pickle slices, ketchup, mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Hold the mushrooms. It don’t need nothing else! Yes, it’s a bit juicy. Juicy enough to lubricate the palette, taste greasy but not so much as to run down your arm to your elbow. The perfect Mesick Burger feels solid and weighty, but won’t fall apart even if you mishandle it. It automatically comes with homemade fries. Serve it up with a cold brew after a tough day on the tractor or stream, just off the trail or XC Skiing. You can only eat one and remain sane and, no, you can’t get it to go. Atmosphere! The best Berger requires hometown atmosphere.
Rate your burger on the Mesick Scale and log it in the COMMENTS section below. And, Oh yes, the Big Mac is a three on the Mesick Scale and White Castles (with spicy mustard but without cheese) are a 4.50. No fast food chain makes a burger over five on the Mesick Scale simply because a Mesick Burger requires originality and real ingredients! Jason’s Main Street Grill in Weaverville, NC serves a 9.5 cheeseburger. Steak ‘n Shake is the only chain that achieved a MESICK 7 simply because of the way it was spatula sizzled. But then they’re closing down Takhomasak nationwide. Spikes cheeseburger in Grayling tops out at a nine on the Mesick Scale, especially after six days of XC skiing in subzero snow along the Michigan Riding Hiking Trail. Lou Tornatzky and I ate five apiece and as many pitchers waiting for Passavlaca to come pick us up in the truck, cause they wouldn’t let our stink on the Greyhound😎
©The Mesick Scale is the property of Fulcourt Press and, all right, it’s reserved!
Sorry, Mr. Mesick, but you will simply have to recalibrate your scale to include the incomparable worlds best Kerns Korner cheeseburger. Voted annually as the hands-down best in Louisville, the birthplace of Shirley Tenbrunsel AND the cheeseburger, the Kerns burger is the nations best. Just ask Mr. Kern.