*title compliments of Bob Dylan
It is a time for we the people
It is a time for reuniting America
It is a time for unity and strength
It is a time for coming together
It is time to lay differences aside
It is a time for focusing on us
It is a time for, by and of the people
It is a time for America to lead again
It is a time for independence
It is a time to end war
It is a time for world peace
It is a time for patriotism
It is a time for prosperity
It is a time for neighbor to help neighbor
There is no time for bickering
It is a time to assimilate this great nation
It is a time for e pluribus unum
This land is our land
It is a time to let go of hate
It is a time for Freedom to ring
It is a time for democracy to thrive
It is a time for safety
It is a time to rid rampant crime
It is a time to put aside differences
It is a time to pray
It is a time for a new day
It is a time to be free
It is a time when these times they are a changing
It’s time!
God Bless America and its people🇺🇸