One more day
One more day
What is it worth?
What would you pay
For one more day?
A penny?
A hay-Penney or two?
You can’t buy That Day
When you want That Day
You bought that day
Days and months and years ago.
You bought That Day
In your scroungy barefoot youth
You paid or not for That Day
In your strong and virile habits of mid-life
Older, you spent some coins
Couching it, lounging about inactive
You spent more coins on sedentary ways
Days not healthy off your feet
Watching your body vegetate
Now it’s late,
Later still
You want, and want you will
To Buy That One More Day
The time is past for purchasing longitivity
You spent your coins in earlier times
Count your days
If you lived a good life
Taking care of your God given body
It’s not to late
You may just cash in on a few more days
Perhaps a month or a few more years
Live longer in anticipation
That, that One More Day
Was paid for -
tom tenbrunsel
Carl Sandburg Writer for 2023