*photo by Erin
Two Gentlemen,
Met on Max Patch,
Just a tad,
Below the sky.
Two Gentlemen met
On Max Patch
Hav’n Traveled far
and nei.
One that would,
Talk your ear off,
With big ole’ ears,
Their chatter,
And their laughter,
Would bring a body tears,
Of old times,
New times,
Good times,
Of times a’ running out,
Next time you see ‘em up there,
Give ‘em both a shout.
Known each ‘chuther forever,
Both with big ole eyes,
Where’d their journeys take ‘em,
Under Appalachian skies.
Like brothers to one another,
Brothers-in-laws for sure,
They’d traveled a’ways from Rocky top,
Buena Vista and Howard Road,
They talked about everything from fixing and karting,
They knew bout all’st you need a’ know.
Two gentleman,
Met on Max Patch,
‘Bout same age now,
One not the other,
Being older,
Hit don’t matter,
Cause up there on Max Patch,
Just below the stars,
They’d just a soon’s meet up there,
Their journeys’ who they are.
Author’s Note:
A reading today, of my poetry. A reading on high, to hikers and passerby’s. I stood next the Max Patch Geo-Marker, smack dab in the middle of the Appalachian Trail, and announced to all, “Two Gentlemen met on Max Patch.” There was Applause to my tall tale! Tom Tenbrunsel, Poet Laureate of My Domain

My first thought: I know who "would talk your ear off."
I can just hear their yakking and laughter. Their conversations.
Brothers-in-law Buddies-in-law - One and the same.
"Bout same age." One is older (and wiser) than the other but it doesn't matter.
Tom, you're brilliant. Your Maker must be very pleased with what you have done with your gifts. 😂
Brilliant.....I interpret the following lines to mean:
1) "Hav’n Traveled near and wide"; analagous to Dad/George's long lives (so far)
2) We know who the one is who would "take your ear off" :)
3) "Of times a’ running out,".......excellent use of prose to mean two men who have lived very full lives (but arent done yet)
4) "Buddies-in-law"; brilliant.....so much can be read and interpreted by this one phrase....genius
5) "‘Bout same age now"; brilliant again.....the age difference meant a whole lot more when you were in your teens, but now, in the rearview mirror, you guys are about the same age (relatively)
One of your best pieces ever.
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